Committees/Groups: Independence

First United Methodist Church has many opportunities for people to get involved with those who share similar interests and want to serve God. Browse through the groups listed on this page and find one that suits you!

Christmas Program

First Church has an annual Christmas program in December. If you would like to be a part of this exciting children’s ministry at a very special time of year, contact the church office at 319-334-3689.

Pastor’s Study Groups

There are regular study groups throughout the year. There is currently a Bible study for adults Sunday mornings at 10:30am.

Tech Fund

We have an option to sponsor a Sunday each week for our Tech Fund.  This is to help keep our tech equipment updated.  It is $30 to sponsor a Sunday, and you can make it in honor or in memory of someone, or even to celebrate a birthday or anniversary . If you are interested in sponsoring a Sunday, please contact the office.  Email or call 319-334-3689.

U.W.F. (United Women in Faith)

United Women in Faith was previously known as the U.M.W. (United Methodist Women.)

The purpose for the UWF:
    United Women in Faith seeks to connect and nurture women through Christian Spiritual formation, leadership development, creative fellowship, and education so that they can inspire, influence and impact local and global communities.

Unit meetings are held three times a year. (April, October, and December)  We have three circle groups that meet at different times.  (Morning, Afternoon, and Evening).  Contact the church office for meeting time and location.


Staff-Parish Relations Committee
Deb Ehlers- chair
Brad Bagby, Rick Greiner, Carol Henkle, Harry Stimson

Trustee Committee
Harold Freeman- chair
Jim Bond, Sandy Brown, Jerry Earles, Lynn Henkle, Gary Humes,  Amy McGraw

Finance Committee
Bonita Davis – chair
Carole Franz, Greg Fletcher, Mark Penne, Brenda Ristvedt, Shirley Rozendaal
Ex-Officio: Amy McGraw

Mission Committee
Jan Benson- Chair
Julie Bagby, Wanita Burns, Deb Denton, Georgine Dodd, Carol Kress, Lillian Penne,

Education Committee
Sarah Rothman – Chair
Katie Schellhorn, Heidi Shannon

Memorial Committee
Marilyn Freeman – Chair
Sally Bond, Erma Booth, Diane Gelhaus, Brenda Greiner, Janet Larson

Nomination Committee
Brad Bagby, Jim Brown, Deb Ehlers, Harold Freeman, Ann Gitsch, Jessie Peterson

Foundation Committee
Jerry Earles -chair
Amy McGraw, Terry Toale, Shelly Whited

Pastor: Elizabeth Bell  , Trustee Chairperson: Harold Freeman , UWF President: Nancy Steckelberg    Treasurer:  Amy McGraw

Administrative Council
Chairperson: Sarah Rothman, Trustee Chair: Harold Freeman, Lay Member to Annual Conference:  Jim Brown

Communion Stewards
Katie Schellhorn, Sara Wilson

Champs Cupboard
Megan Rasmussen

Christmas Committee
Jim Brown -chair
Jason & Melanie Decker & family, Zach & Julie Osborne & family, Travis & Katie Schellhorn & family, Travis & Ann Schwartz & family.