Christmas Program
First Church has an annual Christmas program in December. If you would like to be a part of this exciting children’s ministry at a very special time of year, contact the church office at 319-334-3689.
Pastor’s Study Groups
There are regular study groups throughout the year. There is currently a Bible study for adults Sunday mornings at 10:30am.
Tech Fund
We have an option to sponsor a Sunday each week for our Tech Fund. This is to help keep our tech equipment updated. It is $30 to sponsor a Sunday, and you can make it in honor or in memory of someone, or even to celebrate a birthday or anniversary . If you are interested in sponsoring a Sunday, please contact the office. Email or call 319-334-3689.
U.W.F. (United Women in Faith)
United Women in Faith was previously known as the U.M.W. (United Methodist Women.)
Unit meetings are held three times a year. (April, October, and December) We have three circle groups that meet at different times. (Morning, Afternoon, and Evening). Contact the church office for meeting time and location.
Staff-Parish Relations Committee
Deb Ehlers- chair
Brad Bagby, Rick Greiner, Carol Henkle, Harry Stimson
Trustee Committee
Harold Freeman- chair
Jim Bond, Sandy Brown, Jerry Earles, Lynn Henkle, Gary Humes, Amy McGraw
Finance Committee
Bonita Davis – chair
Carole Franz, Greg Fletcher, Mark Penne, Brenda Ristvedt, Shirley Rozendaal
Ex-Officio: Amy McGraw
Mission Committee
Jan Benson- Chair
Julie Bagby, Wanita Burns, Deb Denton, Georgine Dodd, Carol Kress, Lillian Penne,
Education Committee
Sarah Rothman – Chair
Katie Schellhorn, Heidi Shannon
Memorial Committee
Marilyn Freeman – Chair
Sally Bond, Erma Booth, Diane Gelhaus, Brenda Greiner, Janet Larson
Nomination Committee
Brad Bagby, Jim Brown, Deb Ehlers, Harold Freeman, Ann Gitsch, Jessie Peterson
Foundation Committee
Jerry Earles -chair
Amy McGraw, Terry Toale, Shelly Whited
Pastor: Elizabeth Bell , Trustee Chairperson: Harold Freeman , UWF President: Nancy Steckelberg Treasurer: Amy McGraw
Administrative Council
Chairperson: Sarah Rothman, Trustee Chair: Harold Freeman, Lay Member to Annual Conference: Jim Brown
Communion Stewards
Katie Schellhorn, Sara Wilson
Champs Cupboard
Megan Rasmussen
Christmas Committee
Jim Brown -chair
Jason & Melanie Decker & family, Zach & Julie Osborne & family, Travis & Katie Schellhorn & family, Travis & Ann Schwartz & family.